Govind Belbase
<December 2024>
उपभोक्ता र सामसुङ, यूके कम्पनीको झगडा
उपभोक्ता र सामसुङ, यूके कम्पनीको झगडा

अन्ततः समासुङ कम्पनीले हार मानेछ । उसले हारखाँदासम्म मैले भने लामै हण्डर खाएँ । मेरो उद्देश्य भने कम्पनीलाइभन्दा पनि उसको प्रवृत्तिलाइ हार खुवाउनु थियो । उसको त्यो प्रवृत्ति मेरा लागि मात्र नभएर सवै उपभोक्ताका विरूद्ध हो भनेर मैले हण्डर खान पनि कम्मर कसेको हुँ ।

सामसुङको ग्यालेक्सी एस–फोर मोबाइल हातपरेको बाह्र दिनमा सिमकार्डले त्यस मोबाइलमा काम गर्न छाड्यो । मोबाइल चाही थ्री.को.यूके (थ्री वेवसाइट)बाट किनेको हुनाले थ्रीलाइ कम्प्लेन (गुनासो) गरेपछि अर्को सिमकार्ड पठायो तर त्यो सिमकार्डले पनि त्यो ह्याण्डसेटमा काम गरेन । त्यसपछि थ्रीले भनेअनुसार सामसुङलाइ मरम्मतको लागि १० जुन २०१४ मा त्यो ह्याणडसेट पठाएँ । यो चरणसम्म झगडा थिएन प्रकृया नै मानेको थएँ । तर, £ ९२ पाउण्ड तिरेको खण्डमा ह्याण्डसेट बनाएर पठाउने नतिरे नबनाइ पठाउने भनेर कोटेसन सहित सामसुङले पठाएको इमेल मेरो इनबक्समा प्राप्त भएपछि झगडा सुरू भयो ।

नगद नारायण तिरेर किनेको माल १४ दिन पनि नचलाउँदै बिग्रेपछि मरम्मत रकम तिर्न मनले पनि मानेन र कन्जुमर्स प्रोटेक्सन एक्टले उपचार देला भन्ने आशासमेत लाग्यो । त्यसैले थ्री र सामसुङ दुबैको कस्टोमर–सर्भिस नम्बरमा सम्पर्क गरेर कम्प्लेन नोट गर्न पठाएँ । तर, दुबै कम्पनीले कोटेसन अनुसारको रकम नतिरी मोबाइल नबन्ने उत्तर दिए । मैले लिखित रूपमा जवाफ माग्दा लिखित रूपमा जवाफ भने दिएनन् । मैले पनि मौखिक रूपमै मरम्मतका लागि रकम नतिर्ने बरू कम्प्लेन अगाडि बढाउने जानकारी उनीहरूलाइ दिएँ । दुवै कम्पनीले मेरो जिकिरको कुनै मतलब नै राखेनन् ।

त्यसपछि गुगलमा खोजेर अम्बुड्सम्यान सर्भिसेजको वेवसाइटमा मेरो कम्प्लेन लेखेर पठाएँ । दुइ बर्ष अघि एक इन्सोरेन्स कम्पनीले अनावस्यक रूपमा ३६ पाउण्ड चार्ज गर्दा अम्बुड्सम्यान सर्भिसेजमा कम्प्लेन गरेपछि रकम फिर्ता पाएको अनुभव पनि थियो मसंग । त्यसैले धेरै अलमल भएन ।

यता अम्बुड्सम्यानलाइ कम्प्लेन पठाएँ उता भोलिपल्ट मरम्मत नगरी पठाइएको सिमले काम नगर्ने त्यही मोबाइल हात पर्यो । केही दिनमा अम्बुड्सम्यानले मलाइ इमेलमा सम्पर्क गर्यो । इमेलमा मेरो कम्प्लेन अगाडि बढाउन ८ हप्ता कुर्नु पर्ने जानकारी थियो । तर, मेरो कम्प्लेन सुनुवाइ नहुने भनेर सम्बन्धित कम्पनीको लिखित जवाफ दिएको प्रमाण भए त्यो समय कुर्नु नपर्ने र प्रकृया अगाडि बढ्ने पनि जनाइएको पाएँ । साथै, लिखित जानकारी कम्पनीले नदिएको अवस्थामा लिखित रूपमा कम्प्लेन कम्पनीलाइ पठाउन पनि सुझाव गरिएको रहेछ । त्यसै अनुरूप मैले थ्रीलाइ लिखित ब्यहोराको पत्र पनि हुलाकबाट पठाएँ ।

अम्बुड्सम्यानले उक्त समय भित्र कम्प्लेन समाधान नभए छानविन गरिने पत्र कम्पनीलाइ पठाउने कार्यविधिकोबारेमा माथि उल्लेख गरे अनुसारको यस अघि इन्सोरेन्स कम्पनीसंगको झगडाबाटै मलाइ थाहा थियो । मेरो कम्प्लेन सुनुवाइ गर्नु पर्ने ठानेमा त्यस्तो पत्र सम्बन्धित कम्पनीलाइ अम्बुड्सम्यानले तत्काल नै पठाएको हुँदो रहेछ ।

नभन्दै मैले कम्प्लेन गरेको लिखित पत्र थ्रीलाइ पठाएको तीन दिनमा थ्री को कम्प्लेन हेर्ने टीमबाट फोन आयो । उसले त्यो खराब ह्याण्डसेट बनाउन सामसुङ कम्पनीमा फेरि पठाउन सुझाव गर्दै सामसुङलाइ मरम्मत खर्च (९२ पाउण्ड) तिरेको बिल पेस गरेपछि थ्रीले त्यो रकम मलाइ दिर्ने कबुल गरियो । सोही अनुरूप सामसुङलाइ फेरि त्यो ह्याण्डसेट पठाएँ । सामसुङबाट मोबाइल मरम्मत गरिएकोले फिर्ता पठाउने हुलाक खर्च ७ पाउण्ड ८० पेन्स माग्न फोन आयो र त्यो हुलाक खर्च तिरेपछि मैले मरम्मत भएको सही सलामत ह्याण्डसेट प्राप्त गरेँ । आखिर सामसुङले नै त्यो ९२ पाउण्ड मसंग लिएन । मैले थ्रीलाइ फोन गरेर ९२ पाउण्ड तिर्नु परेन भन्ने जानकारी गराएँ र हुलाक खर्च मात्र तिरेको बताएपछि हुलाक खर्च बापतको ८ पाउण्ड पनि थ्रीले मेरो एकाउण्टमा (पे–एज–यू–गो) मा टपअप गरीदियो ।

कम्पनीहरूले उपाभोक्तालाइ गर्ने यस्ता ब्यवहारमा ग्राहकहरू चुप्पलागेर सहेर बस्ने हो भने उनीहरूको ज्यादती बढ्दै जाने हुनाले हामी ग्राहकहरू थोरै रकमकै लागि पनि अन्याय सहेर बस्नु हुँदैन भन्ने मेरो राय छ । कम्पनीहरूको अन्यायपूर्ण ब्यवहार विरूद्ध सहेर बस्दा ब्यक्तिगत घाटा कम हुन सक्छ र कम्प्लेन गर्दा समय र दुखः बढी हुन सक्छ । तरपनि अन्याय विरूद्ध जगरूक भइयो भने आफूजस्ता अरू ग्राहकलाइ शोषण गर्नबाट कम्पनीहरू हिचकिचाउने हुन्छ । त्यसैले अन्याय विरूद्ध जुझारू हुँदा ब्यक्तिगत रूपमा धेरै फाइदा नभए पनि समग्र समाजलाइ फाइदा हुन्छ ।

कुनै कम्पनीको ब्यवहार अन्यायपूर्ण लागेमा के गर्नु पर्छ त भन्ने प्रश्न उठ्न सक्छ । त्यसका लागि सर्वप्रथम सम्बन्धित कम्पनीको कस्टोमर सर्भिसलाइ आफ्नो गुनासो जानकारी गराउनु पर्छ । चित्त बुझ्दो समाधान भएन भने सवै ब्यहोरा जनाएर कम्पनीले गुनासो सुनुवाइ समेत नगरेको ब्यहोरा अम्बुड्सम्यान सर्भिसमा लेखिपठाउनु पर्छ । त्यसका लागि वेवसाइटमा गुनासो कस्का विरूद्ध हो र ब्यहोरा के हो भन्ने लेख्ने ब्यवस्था गरिएको छ ।

त्यस्तो गुनासो (कम्प्लेन) प्राप्त भएपछि अम्बुड्सम्यानले सम्बन्धित कम्पनीलाइ ब्यहोरा साचो भए नभएको सोध्नका साथै उपभोक्ताको गुनासो उचित समयभित्र छानविन नभए अनुसन्धान र तहकिकात गरी कारवाही हुन सक्ने पत्र कम्पनीलाइ पठाउँछ । छानविन भएको खण्डमा कम्पनीका अरू कमजोरीहरू पनि खुलासा भएर फसादमा पर्ने डरले कम्पनीहरूले तत्काल गुनासो (क्म्पलेन) समाधान गर्न लागि पर्छन् ।

यस सम्बन्धमा उपभोक्ताहरू सचेत हुनुपर्छ भनेर मेरो अनुभव उल्लेख गरेको हुँ । मेरो कुरा अनुचित लागे कृपया मलाइ जानकारीसहित सचेत गराइदिनु भएमा आभारी हुने छु ।


– गोबिन्द वेल्वासे

१७ जुलाइ २०१४
Name: Rachchu Nembang  
Comment: Tapaiko email raamro laagyo . yestaa kuro share garnu bhayera haami jastaalai sachetanaa prdaan garnu bhaako maa dhannyabaad cha . maile tapaiko yo email lai mero timeline ma share garna man lagyo taa ki annya ma jastaa dherai sachet houn . yadi tapaiko anumati prapta bhaye .
Date: 8/14/2014 12:00:00 AM

Rachchu NembangTapaiko email raamro laagyo . yestaa kuro share garnu bhayera haami jastaalai sachetanaa prdaan garnu bhaako maa dhannyabaad cha . maile tapaiko yo email lai mero timeline ma share garna man lagyo taa ki annya ma jastaa dherai sachet houn . yadi tapaiko anumati prapta bhaye .
Mr Milan RaiThank you for sharing this informative article, its good to hear your victory against samsung and 3G. I've had travelled some injustice bill charged from Vodafone uk. I had made an unlimited uk phone call from Vodafone by adding £5 extra in my monthly tariff. Hereby i used my facility without any fear but the problem was every single minute i made was cost standard charge. Asap i found such charges i report to the local vodafone store and i confirm again, they assure me that i'm in under unlimited local call facility and they will refund my money. So again i used my facility, again another month they charged me lots than my normal monthly agreement instead refund my previous money. Than i visited again, the store manager advice my to cancel that amount from bank so that i have my money back and he will sort it out. For 3rd month vodafone took £830 from my account, that month was nightmare for me i visited same store n talk with store manager, he was surprised and promise me to work out with my problem. My present to the store was repeated day by day in a text msg phone call ect. After few weeks the manager try to avoid my problem and he start to hide from me. He give me a date by date but he never appear to me. I tried hard to get my money back and rang to the customer service but I failed many times and loose my hope. And try to forget that amount its been abt 2years. But today having read your article i feel somewhere the chance to get back my lost money. Looking forward to get back your suggestion.
Mr Khusi LimbuThank you so much sir yas janakaariko laagi. aaphule yasto behorna pare pani arule naparos bhanne manashaayale lekhnubhaejasto laagyo. muri muri dhanyabaad.
Mr Ananta Kumar DevkotaDear Govida Ji, My name is Ananta Kumar Devkota. I am living in Southall London. I have just rented the flat and started living there but due to the property management agent I am suffering several problems. I am happy to see your effort to teach those people and your movement to give them message that there is some justice in the corner of the world. I had like to share with you my situation if possible can you telephone me *******************. Thanks and once again appreciate your move. Ananta Kumar Devkota
Mr Ratna Thapaआदरणीय गोविन्द ज्यू, नमस्कार |, आफ्नो अनुभव बाड्नु भएकोमा धन्यवाद यहाँलाई |, म हाल विगत ३ महिना देखि नेपालमा छु ; यहाँको हविगत त हजुरलाई थाहै छ | कुनै सामानको कुनै ग्यारन्टी छैन, कुनै सेवाको भर छैन, धन्न मुलुक चलिरहेकै छ | यू.के.मा जस्तो उपभोक्ताको मर्का बुझिदिने यहाँ कोही भैदिए कति राम्रो हुन्थ्यो होला | कालिमाटीको तरकारी बजारमा पाइने ९० प्रतिशत सब्जीमा हानिकारक विषादी रहेको सरकारी अनुगमन निकायले भने पनि कसैले टेरेका छैनन्, उपभोक्तालाई सस्तो र धेरै पाए भै गो | , जे होस्, बेला बेलामा जानकारीहरु शेयर गर्नु भएकै छ, आगामी दिनहरुमा पनि रमाइला अनुभव पढ्न पाइएला, अपेक्षा गरौँ |, With best regards, Ratna Thapa, Camp: Kathmandu
Mrs Subarna Pandaythank u for sharing your valuable experience
MR Raja Ram GiriDear Belbase sir, Thank you for sharing your experience.
Mr Ram babu KoiralaThank you sir, Very interesting and practical experience.
Mr Birodh BhattaDear, Govind sir, I really appreciate and salute your attempt and victory to fight against corporate injustice. I am happy, you stood firmly for your right which has ultimately benefited all the consumers. Good luck.
Mr Raju Babu ShresthaThanks Govinda sir, It is great to know your fight with two giant and you ultimately won, it really help society, you suffered but society will gain from your good work, thanks.
Govind BelbasePlease find the link for Ombudsman service »
Mr Sudip Raicongratulation you got money back. many thanks to share your experience to everybody.
Mr Gunja ShahGovinda jyu, Namste and many thanks for sharing your experience with me. I am sure it will be pretty handy if we need to deal with such issues in the future. With kind regards and namaste, Gunja
Mr jiwan LimbuGovinda ji, Thank you very much for complain against Samsung and Three. Very good information.
Mr Nirak ThapaGovind jiu namaskar, hajur ko sahas bahut man pareyo. ma pani testai euta victim pare. please teyo email proper dinu milchha ki. nepali ma ta chha tara anubad garnu muskil pareyo.
Mr Nirak ThapaGovind ji, good morning, anbusung servises some thing chha ni ke ho teyo compani ko proper name could you plese make it clear. thank you, Nirak
Mr Om PunGobind ji, Namaskar, Tapaiko anubhab r sujhab share garnubhaykoma dhannyabad.Tapaiko jastai shoch arukopani hunasakema hami upabhoktaharu yi yastai company harubata thagina kehikam hunethiyo ki.
Mr Dal BudhathokiThank you Belbase jeu sharing the the most important information with us.
Mr Gunja ShahGovinda jyu, Namste and many thanks for sharing your experience with me. I am sure it will be pretty handy if we need to deal with such issues in the future. With kind regards and namaste
Mr Tharka Bahadur RanaBelbase jyu, Corporate company hun yata sarkari karmachari lata sidha laita garnu garxan baa! thik garnu bhaexa ! inlaita garnaparne estaiho ! Tharka .
Mr Rinji Sherpaनमस्कार गोबिन्द बेल्बासे ज्यू। इमेलको लागि दन्याबाद। तपाइको कुरा एक दम सहि हो र उपभोक्तालाई सचेत गर्नु नै अति उत्तम विचार हो। थ्री जी संग मेरो पनि यस्तो यस्तै कुरामा धेरै विवाद भएको थियो तर अन्तमा पैसा भने फिर्ता लिएरै छाडे।
Dr. Hari Prasad TimalsinaThanks for sharing Govinda jee. I also have to complain seriously about Indian Airlines. Hari
Mr Lok Man LimbuDear Gobinda, Well done, Thank you very much for your information. It very easy in Australia Communication Ombudsmen does out standing more easier in Australia than Uk, Always fight for consumer right. Regards, Lokman
satya sthaThank you so much for sharing this very very useful and practical experience.
Mr Krishna KharelGovinda jee its so nice you share your anubhav which will definitely help us. If everybody share their anubhav as you people would have really less hassle in every step. Thanks
Mr C B RaiBelbase ji, Many thanks for your Anubhaba sharing with me Very interesting and knowledgeable Regards, CB
Mr Hom GurungThank you Govind ज्यू, हजुरको लेख पढ्दै जाँदा Cinema मा हीरोले डाँकाहरु लाई ताजन दिए (परास्त) जस्तै लाग्यो । परी आएमा तपाईको सुझाबलाई क़दर गर्दै अगाडी बढ्ने छु भन्ने दृढ़ लिएको छु ।जानकारी को लागि फेरी पनि धन्यवाद दिन चाहान्छु । होम गुरुड०
Mr Yogendra RaiWell done and good advice gobinda sir.
Mr Yam LimbuDear Govinda ji namaskar, i like this. what you did that was correct. I didnot know they do like, regards chhabi
Mr Kamal Dev YogiThanks Govindaji, for letting us know about the problem you faced with Samsung and three. This is a very inspirational for everyone that the effort you made against those company and their ill-motive. I respect your determination to challenge them which made finally them to comeback to you and take their responsibility. with best regards,
Miss Asmita Maskeythumbs up uncle..
Mr Krishna SubediLike it, Thanxxxx for this
Mr Gani Raj RaiAnubhab anusaar Ko raamro sujhaab deei sajag garaai upaayaa pani batai dinu bhaekoma. Yanha laai dherai dherai dhanyabaad. Regards, Gani Raj
Mr Dadi Sapkotaनमस्कार गोबिन्दजी, खुशि लाग्यो तपाइको मेल पाएर । हेरें, एकदम ठिक गर्नु भएको हो भन्ने लाग्य् । सचेत बन्नु र सचेत पनि पार्नुपर्छ अरुलाई, नत्र मानिसहरुमा प्रेरणा कहाँबाट मिल्छ र ? सम्पर्क हुँदै गरोस्, धेरै धेरै धन्यावाद, ददि सापकोटा
Mr Mahesh Adhikariदाईं, म पूर्ण सहमत छु । झगड़ा मैले पनि गर्ने गरेको छु कहिले मान्छन् कहिले मान्दैनन् । महेश
Mr Semanta RaiThank you so much for your good advice and challenging experience
Mr Krishna Bhakta UpadhyayaGood job, congratulation!
Mr Sukra Bahadur Tamangगोबिन्द सर हजुर्को पत्रले भन्नू खोजेको कुरा मैले बुझेनानी ??
Mrs Meena ThapaNamaskar Yo dherai kam lagne message ho, anubhav share garai sachet hataunu bhayeko ma dherai dhanyabad. Ma yo Aru lai pani forward garne chhu. Sansarai thagi khane bhayeka chhan, tapai bolna sakne Ko po kam bhayo ta, Aru Ko Ke gati hola? Meena
Mrs Anita Neupane KandelVery impressive and positive suggestions Belbase Dai. We always appreciate your thoughts. Thank you very much.
Mr Kamal KhanalDear Govinda sir, Namaste Thanks your email which you share and inform. I am 100% agree with is really helpful to share this type of information and feefback to own community people. Thanks, Kamal Khanal
Mr Deepak KandelVery practical and useful suggestions and experiences sir. In fact, we sometimes do not complain the problems created by those service provider companies which is important to proceed ahead. I would like to thank you for your valuable suggestions and also inspired to go ahead in complaining procedures in future, if needed. Thank you once again sir.
Mr Chuda Limbuबेल्बासी ज्यूको यो तपाइको सहहाशपूर्ण कार्यको निम्ति खुशी ब्याक्त गर्दै बधाई सहित धन्यबाद | याहाँको यस प्रकारको प्रतिभाले अरु उचाइ लिदै अन्य धेरै कम्पनिहारबाट ठगिने पिडित अनविज्ञहरुलाइ यहाँले सहयोग पुर्याउनु हुनेछ भन्ने कुरामा विश्वास्त रहने छु |
Mr Suresh RaiSyabash Govind sir, I also have similar problem with Barclays , Argos and 3 g phone. It took hell of time however I did not stop chasing. I kept asking other people how to tackle these problem. I found some people have natural witty ideas and strong logical knowledge which ammunition help me to get out of these deliberate company's cunning trap. I got back more compensation than I thought. It works Govind Ji as long as we shar our common problem and solution
Mr Padam Bahadur ThapamagarGobinda ji, Thank you for sharing your experience and idea. Good to know all, Padam
Mr Chiranjibi PaudyalNamaskar! This is really an informative information. We have to make complain in such scenario.
Mr DALBAHADUR THAPAThank you sir hajurko tito anubhab ani haami lai pani jaankari dinu bhaekoma.
MR KIRTI BILAS PANTThank you so much Belbase sir interesting n informative.
Mr Chitra Bahadur GurungDrear Gobind Jee, Thank you very much ramro anubhab Janakari dinu Bhayeko ma. Thoreau Nepali le matra tapai ko jasto soch ka sath kam garchhan.Thank you again, Chitra Dai,
Miss Laxmi RaiDear Gobindaji, Thank you. It's really informative to all of us. Regards, Lara
MR Laxmi GhisingDear Govind Jue, Well done the way of that you did I am very impress and its true I am not surprised about it. I have also quite similar experience in the past days.
Mr Sanyukta Shresthaगोविन्दजी, सा-है राम्रो काम गर्नु भयो र त्यस भन्दा पनि राम्रो अाफ्नो नेपाली दाजुभाइ दिदीबहिनीलाई यस्तो उपयोगी कुरा सार्वजनिक गर्नुभयो् यसका लागि हृदयदेखि नै धन्यवाद। कतिपय नेपालीहरूको मिहिनेतको कमाई नाश हुँदा उनीहरूलाई पराइ देशमा निकै दि:ख लाग्दो हो तर यस्तो प्रकृया थाहा भए धेरैलाई सहयोग हुने पक्का छ। सधन्यवाद, संयुक्त
MR SHIVA PAUDELThank you Belbase sir यो तपाइले samsung & three लाई गर्नु भएको कार्बाई को अनुभव ले हामि हरु लाई धेरै सजग गराए को छ ा Thank you
Mr Hiraman Gurungगोबिन्द जी नमस्कार, धन्यवाद तपाई को अनुभब को सल्लाह अनि सुझाब को लागि | एस्तै छ यहाँ को चोर कम्पनि हरु को चालामाल हरु मौका मा ग्राहक हरुलाई ठग्ने | मैले पनि भोगी सके को छु अनि कति पटक त फोन मा झगडा पनि भयो अनि आखिर हार खाएँ अनि छोडी दिएँ | हाम्रो मान्छे हरु लाई तरिका अनि बाटो हरु थाहा हुदैन तेसैले चोर कम्पनिले मौका को फाइदा लीइ हाल्छ होइन हजुर ? जे होस् हजुर को अनुभब हरु बाट थाहा पायो अनि पछि केहि आपत परे हजुर लाई सम्पर्क अनि सल्लाह लिनु पर्ला गारो मान्नु हुन्छकी? हिरामान गुरुङ
Mr Min RaiDai Namaskar, Thank you for sharing your great experience. which is very interesting and i enjoyed to read it. I had a problem before nearly similar with three mobile but solve his self. I do support your opinion and you are right. Thank you for your email. Bye..
Mr Rajendra UpretyGood work Gobinda ji, I aspect similar from other sufferer. Thanks, Cheers, rajendra
Mr Balaram GhaleWell done for your victory, tough challenge!!
Mr Biswasdip Tigelaसर नमस्ते, अत्यन्तै उपयोगि लेख । कतै छापिए अरुलाई पनि लाभ पुग्थ्यो । अम्बुड्सम्यान भन्ने त मैले पनि खोज्न श२र गरे है ।
Mr Hem Kumar RaiDear Gobin, Thank you so much for sharing your Anubhab I think this is a valued point you have just made below which most of us may not be aware of as being in one of the most developed countries. With kind regards, Hem
Mr Nirmal ThapaGobind ji, Very informative. Thank you. With Many Regards, NirmalThapa
Mr Arjun UpretyDear _Govinda ji, I will try to publish your letter in our news paper. thank you for your mail and information.
Mahendra RaiGovind ji Namaskar, Thank you for your aanubhaba ani sujhaba. I will forwarded this email to all of my friends. Mahendra Rai, Hayes.
Mr Narayan TimilshinaThanks for sharing your experience . Regards
Mr Ratanraj RaiWhat a great job Mr Belbase jyu, tapaiko anubhab bata sabaile lesson linu parchha. Thank you..
Prabhat BelbaseSarai ramro kam garnu bhayax sathai hamiharu lai pani sachate garaya ko ma thank you
Kumar BelbaseGood action, Thank you .
Keshav Raj KanelExcellent idea and action.
Keshu KhatiwadaVery good idea...thank u for sharing
Buddha BarailiTrue story
Rajendra DhitalHajur le gareko munasib ho , bt Nepal ma ta ghar ma Samsung le gunda pathauthyo hola hajur. K garne yeta ko yestai xa.
Nepal Mountaingood ideas and you lucky coz you are in Uk.. but we are in Nepal never possible like that system ...even we are using तरकारीमा विषादी....
Laxman KandelVery good salutaion
Mr Chhabilal ThapaDear Govinda ji namaskar, i like this. what you did that was correct. I didnot know they do like that so now on we all have to be careful this sort of problem. Thanks so much for your information. regards chhabi
Mr Som Thapathanku belbase ju i read yours msgs asto besayma chhodna huna kip going tkanku.
Mr Dharmendra PuriVery informative email thanks for ur advice
Mr Manoj ShresthaGobind Ji, Thank you very much for sharing your very useful experience. It will, really, help all of us to fight against such unfair and unacceptable services provided by the so called big companies. With Regards
Mr Roshan LimbuMalai ni aile yestai problem vairako chha.
Mr Damador AcharyaGovindji Thanks for letting me know. This should encourage to all. This is encouraging. Regards
MR K RanaThank you very much for your information. Very important for futures.
Mr Milan GyawaliGreat work ! I will be teaching in pokhara university about service marketing during my Nepal visit. Can I use this email as a case study there? It provides a good example.
Mr Som GurungThank you govinda g,, First thing I don't have nepali font in my ipad, so I can't write you in nepali. What so ever on your situation I'm completely agreed with you and thanks for sharing your thoughts. And in my opinion you have done a good action according to your situation, let us know if there are any new conspiracy. Thanks Som
रामकुमार राईबेलबासे सर, धेरै धन्यबाद उपयोगि कुरा बाड्नु भएको छ। कमजोर ग्राहक पाएमा ठग्नको लागि सन्सारको कुनै ठाउ वा मानिस किन नहोस अछुन्न छैनन भन्ने बुझियो। मलाई पनि ब्रिटिस ग्यास संग झाड चल्न लागेछ जबकि रिक्त घरको जहा बिजुलि खपत भएकै छैन एक महिनामा १५८ पाउण्डको बिल पेश गरेको छ। यस मानेमा तपाईसंग कुनै अनुभव भए झुझाबको अपेक्षा गर्दछु। रामकुमार राई, आशफोर्ड, केन्ट
Mr Bharat RokaGobinda Sir Namaskar, You are very strong powerful effort regarding this matter. this kind of problems happen every single person those who use the mobile but they don't do it. well done Sir. Regards, Bharat Roka
Mr Dinesh GautamThank you. I have posted it on Facebook group so that others could read and learn. Regards Dinesh Gautam
Mr Surendra ShresthaThat's Excellent Dai , You did Great job. Tapaiko kam garne style ra Intelligence man paryo. I am also facing problem with 'Three network' .This information will really help me to deal with them in future if i need to do so. Thanks for sharing your experience. Regards, Surendra Shrestha
Mr Prajjwal BaralHello govenda dai, How are you? That was a very good message.its would be useful and might be helpful any time.Thank you for sharing. Regards, Praj
Mr Premprasad Gaireपढ़ें ,जानकारीको लागि धन्यवाद सर नमस्कार
Mrs Surya Kala LimbuGovind ji, that's great job and thank you very much for sharing it will help in future too. Regards, Surya
Mr Hari Bhakta GurungThanks for your advice dear brother Belbase.God bless you and your family. I am sorry for late response. See you again.
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