| Comment |
Milan Gyawali | Really interesting story. Even though it attempts to cover quite a lot, I enjoyed the story thoroughly. This reminded me of KOE and GHATTE days. |
Prem Jang Malla | तपाइको बाल्यकालको भूतको कथा पढें साह्रै रमाइलो लाग्यो।गाउं घरमा यस्तै कथाहरु सुनेर हुर्केको हुनाले मलाई पनि एक छिन भए पनि बाल्य कालको याद आयो। |
Yam Pun | I have read through with the subject BHUT KO YUDDHA, Yes you are correct hajur, mostly each and every people from under developed country go through with the similar situation as you mentioned in your subject. I thoroughly enjoyed reading and hope to read your writing with the similar subject in the coming days too. |
Narendra Kambang | साच्चिकै नढाटी भन्नु पर्दा म कुनै लेख रचनाहरुको गहिरो अर्थ बुझ्न सक्ने वा प्रतिकृयात्मक अध्यास नभएकोले के कसरी प्रतिकृया दिने हो अलमलमा परे । युद्ध र बन्दुक कै बारेमा मात्र भए आफु बन्दुके भएकाले केही भन्न सक्थे । तर यो त रचना हो, जे भएता पनि पढी बुझे अनुसार आफुलाई लागेको कुरो लेखेको छु है, सर । मैले दुइखेप पढे । पहिलो पटक त बुझ्न गाह्रो भयो । दोश्रो पटकमा अलि अलि बुझे । मेरो बिचारमा यो लेख एउटा लघु कथाको रुपमा तयार हुन सक्छ जस्तो लाग्यो । केही साहित्यिक भाषामा केही वाक्यहरु राख्न सके पढन अलिक रोचक हुन सक्छ होला । लेखन सैली तपाइको आफ्नै र आजको कम्प्युटर जमानासित संगसंगै उत्रने चेस्टा गर्नु भएको रहेछ । लेखको मुल मर्म, मनमस्तिस्कमा गहिलो छाप परेको कुरो बास्तविक आलोकमा नै देखिन्छ भन्नै तथ्य प्रष्टाउदै भावनात्मकताको पछि नलागी बास्तविकतासित उभिन सक्नु पर्छ भन्ने संकेतिक भाव प्रकट निश्कर्ष परिच्छेदमा कथा अन्त्य गर्न सकिने यो एउटा लघु कथा हुन सक्छ । सान्दर्भिकताको लागि, केही पूर्विय र पाश्चिमा प्रसिद्ध कथाकारहरुको कथा सम्बन्धि परिभाषा यसरी दिएको पाइन्छ : छोटो किस्सा एउटा सानो आँखि झ्याल हो जहाँबाट एउटा सानो संसार च्याइन्छ । – लक्ष्मी प्रासाद देवकोटा । कथा घटनाहरुको एउटा तारतम्य हो, जस्ले कुनै परिणामसम्म पुऱ्याउछ । –जोन फास्टर जीवनमा आइपरेका घटनाको स्मृति नै कथा हो । – गोविन्द बहादुर गोठाले |
Randip Rai | हजुर को यकदमै भाबुक शिर्षक भुतको युद्ध अहीले भैरहेको युद्धले गर्दा अब को खाद्दन्यको महंगी अब के होला त हजुर यकदैमै उत्कृस्ट छ |
| I have pleased to read your story, really its so interesting. A typical computer has a few basic parts like a screen, a keyboard or touch screen, and a programming and storage device.Each of us has similar parts. In us, the computer's(brain) display screen is comparable to our appearance and our actions what we display to the world around us. Our keyboard or our input device is our five senses. Anything we hear ( ghost story from your sister), see, taste, touch, or smell and anything we say to ourselves is input to our brains through our five senses. In our brains, the storage device is our subconscious mind. Neuroscientist have learned that much of what we had suspected about the human brain is true. The adult human brain weighs only about sixteen hundred grams, and looks more like a lump of gray cauliflower than a computer, the brain functions in some important ways much like the manmade computers that are patterned after it. Messages we receive repeatedly are recorded and wired into our subconscious minds. Whatever is programmed into your own personal "mental" computer is permanent programmed. That is, whatever programming you have received up to now(many kinds of stories etc.) is just as important and just as permanent as any program that has been typed into the most powerful man-made computers. Best wishes Your sister Jau Gurung |